Barrister Luis Martin Delgado Esq

Luis Martin Law Firm & Associates
28034 Madrid-España                
Tel: 00346340-44093
Fax: 00349118-81322
Dear Friend;
Request for Co-operation on a Private Business Relationship 
24 /02/ 2015
Let me start by introducing myself properly to you: My name is Barrister Luis Martin Delgado Esq. of (Luis Martin Law Firm & Associates) in Madrid. I know that it may surprise you receiving this letter from me since there was no previous correspondence between us. I have a business proposal which I believe that will be a very good opportunity for both of us, so I decided to contact you on the business.
The business is this: A deceased client of mine that shares the same last name with you died as a result of a heart-related condition on March 12TH 2006, he is a private international businessman in Mallorca Spain, my late client died of a massive heart attack, and my deceased client was single and childless. He died leaving behind a deposit valued of (€10.500.000 Euros) Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros, in a security vault of an investment company here in Spain, and the Investment company had contacted me on many occasions over the past years to present the supposed Next of kin to my late client, to claim his deposit with them, but so far, all my efforts to get a hold of someone related to him has proved abortive.
The Investment Company said that his deposit has lasted more than expected period in their security vault, and they has issued me a final notice last month to present the next of kin to my late client or his fund will be confiscated by the management as unclaimed fund due to the ongoing Bank reform here in Spain. So since I have contacted you, and you share the same last name with my late client. I am actually asking for your consent to present your information to the Investment Company and to the Bank as the Next of Kin to my late client so that the proceeds of his deposit will be release to you as the next of kin to my late client. I wish to point out that I will want 20% of this money to be shared among charity Organizations, while the remaining 80% is shared equally between us.
All the legal documentations to back up your claim as my late client's Next of Kin, I shall provide, all I need from you is your trust and honest cooperation to enable us achieves this transaction. The investment company and the bank knows me as the attorney to their late costumer, and I am convinced that the intended transaction is 100% risk free, that you should not entertain any atom of fear, the fact is that I just don’t want my late client funds to be declared as unclaimed fund or confiscated by the management as a result of the new Bank reform here in Spain. I will use my position as an attorney to guarantee the successful execution of this transaction. Contact me on Tel: 00346340-44093 Fax: 00349118-81322 E-mail: upon your response, I shall provide you with more details about the transaction; also you should understand that this should be kept very confidential.
FIRST NAME: ________________________MIDDLE NAME: __________________________LASTNAME: ______________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________CITY: __________________________COUNTRY: _________________________
TEL: ________________________________MOBILE: ________________________________FAX: _________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: _______________________PROFESSION: ____________________________MARITAL STATUS: _____________________
SEX: _______________________________EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________________
DATE: __________________________________SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________
Note: However, if this business proposal offends your moral ethics, do accept my sincere apology, if on the contrary you wish to achieve this goal with me, kindly get back to me with your interest for further details.
Best Regards, 
Barrister Luis Martin Delgado Esq.
Luis Martin Law Firm & Associates
28034 Madrid-España                
Tel: 00346340-44093
Fax: 00349118-81322
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