Dr Jacques Kwakou (Director)

Immeuble CRRAE-UMOA Boulevard Botreau Roussel, Derriиre la BCEAO, Face а la Rue des Banques Abidjan Plateau Rйpublique de Cфte d’Ivoire

01 BP 1874 Abidjan 01, Cфte d’Ivoire

Contact Person: Dr Jacques Kwakou (Director)

Phone: +225 4232530

Hello how are you doing today. I wanted you to know that the funds was released from Nigeria. It was carried by our diplomat Don Adams And the funds is now in Philadepia in USA at the present time. The funds are now lying with the diplomat who brought the funds from Ohio to Philadepia. The diplomat doesn’t know the content of what is on the consignment he brought to USA. On the documents that were given out to you he was told the consignment contains industrial items.

When contacting him don’t let him know that the consignment contains Money, which he had brought to USA.

You will be contacting the diplomat for the delivery of the consignment to you. Below its his contact information’s. You have to keep trying the number till you get him ok.

Name: Don Adams

Email: donadams2009@gala.net

Phone: +13153702364

When contact him you send him your address and phone number were he will be delivering the consignment because presently at this time he is in Philadepia in USA . You give him a call. He will explain better. Its important you give him a call. If you have any Question you can only reach me on +2254232530



Dr Jacques Kwakou (Director)

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