Dr. Jani Venter

The 7th Marnet Stock Lottery

 12 Brighton




United Kingdom
Registered No:  UK/5550394
Serial No:
Draw No: 1029/SML


We congratulate you this day as you have emerged a winner in the 7th Market Stock Lottery . See attachment for claims procedure. Thank you

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Jani Venter,


The 7th Market (Stock Market Lottery)

United Kingdom.

2009 Real Event Games Limited. Trademark #2484611 – The 7th Market, Patent Pending #0806872- The 7th  Market. All rights reserved. All visual and textual content on this site is protected by trademark rights, copyrights and other rights owned by Real Event Games Limited and its business partners. The 1th Market is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission.

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