This office has received your message, and the contents are as well being noted down. We also want to acknowledge the receipt of your information. Meanwhile, there is not much issue to deliberate over your fund. We have been instructed by the United nation Government to get this fund transferred or released to you within 72 banking hrs.

Right now, we have received about three emails with different account information stating that you directed them to come and work on your behalf. And based on this fact, we do not want make any mistake in transferring your fund to a wrong person/account.

However, it was because of this reason we have to follow all precautionary measures in order to carryout a smooth transfer, thereby demanding you to RE-CONFIRM to this bank, the under listed information as to enable this bank have adequate knowledge of where the fund will be deliever.

Requirements   ( A)

Your Full Name: …………………….
Your Home / Office Address: ………………………
Telephone Number: …………………..
Fax Number: ………………..
Age: …………………………..
Sex: ………………………..
Occupation: ……………..
A Copy of Your Int’l Passport/ Drivers License

Best regards


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