Mr. Mark Udoh, (Director)




After the deliberation of the Board, Members of the National Assemble, Senate Committee, Members of Contract Award and Payment Committee. It was conclusively agreed by the Presidency which they approved the of release payment to all Next of Kin to the Late Subcontractors whom have not received their contract payment before deceased

Following the release of this quarter payment your name was discovered from our inheritance file being the next of kin to one of the late beneficiary who didn’t received his final payment before he died, already the deceased left back a WILL in your behalf, stated upon her demised, that his contract fund immediate released to you his next of kin. You are advised to apply for the received of your inheritance funds amounting of US$12.6Million which has been approved for immediate remittance to you.

The inheritance identification. You are required to reconfirm the information as indicated below. YOUR FULL NAME, AND ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER, YOUR AGE, PROFESSION, OFFICE POSITION, SEX, DATE OF BIRTH, STATE OF ORIGIN. These will enable the above fund released to you without delay or wrong payment.

I will give you details as it concerns the release of your payment immediately you respond to our inheritance notification letter with the information requested from you.

Your quick response will be necessary.


Mr. Mark Udoh, (Director)

Contract Award & Payment Dept.

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