Mrs. Janet Clara

WINNING NUNBERS: B9665 75604546 199


Dear Our Esteem Winner,




We happily announce to you the draw result of the Microsoft® / Fifa world Cup  International Lottery. The Microsoft® online Sweepstakes International / FIFA program was held in London and your E-mail address have won £2,000,000.00 (Two Million Great British Pounds Only) from Microsoft®  / Fifa World Cup lottery draw 2012. This is from a total cash prize shared amongst the other first six (5) lucky  winners in this category. Your E-mail ID was one of the selected emails all over the world in the lottery draw and It comes out one of the lucky winning numbers.

 Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our UNITED KINGDOM booklet representative office in London as indicated in your play coupon, because this particular draw was selected to promote Microsoft / FIFA  National Lottery Meeting in BRAZIL For 2014 BRAZIL FIFA WORLD CUP DRAW AWARD.

All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through computer draws system and extracted from over 10,000.00 companies and personal e-mails.
To begin your claims therefore, you are advised on final notice and as a matter of urgency, to contact our licensed and accredited Claim agent, for the Processing of your prize awards winning and payment to your designated bank account after all statutory Obligations have been concluded satisfactorily.


You have 5(Five) working days to file for claims from the day of receipt of this email.


To file for your claim, Please Contact your fiduciary agent:





================================================== =========

  You are advised to contact your fiduciary agent with the above details to avoid  unnecessary         

  delays and complications:


   NAME: —–………………..——————————————————————-  SEX: —..————————————————

   YOUR ADDRESS: ————————————————————————— YOUR COUNTRY: ————————————-

   NATIONALITY—–……….———————————————————————————— YOUR FAX: —————————–

   HOME PHONE NUMBER: ———————————– MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: ——————————————————

   OCCUPATION: ————————————————————————-  YOUR AGE———————————————–…..

   YOUR LUCKY WINNING NUMBER: ——………………….——————————  E-MAIL:—— ——————————————


Do not tell people about your Prize Award until your money is successfully handed over to you to avoid disqualification that may arise from double claim. You may also receive similar e-mails from people portraying to be other Organizations or Microsoft Company. This is solely to collect your personal information from you and lay claim over your winning. In event that you receive any e-mail similar to this notification letter that was sent to you, kindly delete it from your mail box and give no further correspondence to such person or body. Microsoft shall not be held responsible for any loss of fund arising from the above mentioned



Mrs. Janet Clara


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