Dear Customer,
I am Rev.William Keith, I am a private loan lender.we give out loans at 3% interest rate andI give out local and international loans to via account transfer AND CERTIFY BANK CHECK to what ever country in the world, Are you in need of a loan of any purpose?, Do you want to pay your bills?, Are you in a financial problem:, Do you need a finance your business.we give out loans to serious clients that are straight forward provided they are willing to take the oat of trust that they will not run away with our money.we give out loans ranging from ($1,000 to 50,000,000) at a consentionary interest rate. This loan Corporation gives out loan without any collateral and under no risk. If you are interested in getting a loan from my firm, contact me
with the following details.
* Applicant Full Names:
* Applicant Contact Address
* Phone No
* Mobile Phone:
* Country:
* Age:
* Marital Status:
* Amount Required As Loan
* Proposed / year interested
* monthly Income:
* Occupation:
* email:
all reply should be sent via this Email:
+234 80-532 789 20