Welcome to Nigeria-Connection.com

Since many years Business people but also private people receive mails or letters from the so-called Nigeria-Connection.

It is a group of people who reside in Africa (mainly Nigeria) and they try to defraud with the following system:

They pretend they have access to a large amount of money but they need your help!

To be precise they need the help of your bank account where they want to send an amount of appr. US$ 20 million Dollars (amounts may be totally different!).

If they can do it they offer you a large portion of the money (usually around 30 %) for your effort.

Do not believe this story!

The money does not exist. It never did.

If you answer them you will be asked very soon to submit funds yourself… -and usually with a very good explanation.

They will send you written confirmation of an African bank that the transfer is ready to go.. -but there is a stamp duty to pay… -or the fee for a notary… -or the fee for a lawyer.

If you send money you will not see it again.

If you send money they will even approach you with a second and third try.

There are cases known when people who believed them and went to Lagos to visit them finally realised they had been defrauded and inside their hotelroom comitted suicide.

We have copied the last recent mails from them.

Do not answer them!

If you have received a mail but don’t find the name of the sender of our list it does not mean you have received a genuine offer. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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