Dr. Maxwell Ramsey

Dear Esteemed Beneficiary

Congratulations! You have just been selected amongst the Seven Beneficiary by the board of Directors of  the FONDAZIONE DI VITTORIO, ITALY  in conjunction with the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS), United Nations Organization (UNO)  to claim a total sum of USD $1,000,000 ( One Million United Dollars) as charity donation/aid from this Foundation.

Please endeavor to send the below informations to the payment officer and remember to quote your Qualification numbers (N-222-6747,E-900-56) in your correspondence when sending your claims inquiries to Financial Officer.

1. Full Names: 2. Full Address 3.City 4.State 5. Zip 6.Country 7.Sex 8.Age 9.Occupation 10.Telephone Number

Dr. Maxwell Ramsey.
EMAIL: payment_ecowasng@mail2consultant.com
TEL: +2347057651670

On behalf of the Board kindly accept our warmest congratulations.


Award Co-ordinator

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