Dr Paul Olisa Ojeih

I hope this email reaches you well.I am Dr Paul Olisa Ojeih medical director/ceo of Of Iris Medical foundation Nigeria.

Iris Medical Foundation is a Natural Medicine based institution, dedicated to research; healing; prevention of disease, and the production of quality; safe and highly potent Medical preparation made from organic plant materials; whose scientific data (biological and pharmaceutical

properties) are well known in Western Pharmacopia and as required by British Herbal Medical Association which Iris Medical is a full fledge member. Iris Medical Clinics an arm of the Foundation works to restore hope, Confidence and Immaculate Health to those condemned much earlier to a lifetime of pain, misery, drug dependence and premature death.

I am contacting you because at the moment we have found herbal cure of cancer at any level.Due to our high research we have found the cure to this deadly diease and what to share this scucess and cure to the whole world.

Our drugs and cure are guarnteed with no side effects or even surgery and they are cheap.To order this drugs or to come for treatment email me at my new personal email: dr.ojeih@yahoo.co.uk

Then I will give you my full contact details and we can proceed from there.

Remember that health is wealth.

We treat but God heals.


Dr Paul Olisa Ojeih

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